Changed Lives

A volunteer’s testimony – Kelli’s Observations
Lessons from a homeless shelter

LESSONS from a homeless shelter

This is what I learned:

I was way more judgmental and opinionated than I ever thought about the homeless population. I didn’t have near the grace I thought I had either. It’s easy to love the lovable but that isn’t what Christ called us to do. It was really easy to give pat answers and walk out the door.Then I got to know “those” people.  

I learned that our country’s mental health system is very broken. Many families cannot care for people struggling with their mental health, people forget to take medicine, can’t afford medicine and often need to be reminded to take care of themselves.

I learned it really is next to impossible to support a family on minimum wage. Your one and only car breaks down. You choose, do you pay rent or pay to fix your car so you can get to your job?

I learned that many older women who stayed at home to raise children and care for a home are tired and defeated when divorce happens . Starting all over is very hard.

I learned that hard working men’s bodies have broken down and they can’t carry shingles, pour concrete or do the hard stuff anymore. So who hires them? 

I’ve learned that our veterans are treated poorly in this country and so many are homeless not getting the services they need and deserve.

I learned if you can’t read very well, don’t know how to operate a computer it’s hard to apply for a job.

I learned some homeless people have college degrees.

I’ve learned illiteracy still exists in America.

I learned that if you don’t have a car, phone, nice clothes, a decent haircut, teeth or the money to purchase those you aren’t hired as quickly.

I learned that if you have served your time in jail, it’s hard to put down references and job skills.

I’ve learned that many, many children have come from severely emotionally, physically and sexually abusive homes and have grown up to be very broken adults.

I’ve learned there are way more single mothers trying to raise children on their own than I ever imagined.

I’ve learned that many women have stayed in abusive relationships way too long.

I’ve learned that people where English is not their first language have a difficult time getting a legal job.

I learned that to get about any job you need at least your GED. It’s hard to go back to school at any age. 

I learned alcohol and drug addictions don’t care who they destroy.

I learned there are adults who have never learned to drive.

I learned there are many grandparents raising their grandchildren.

I learned many people have absolutely no support system , healthy friends or family to walk along side of them.

I’ve learned many people have not heard the gospel, never been to church or opened a Bible.

I’ve learned many people have some really screwed up ideas who God is.

I’ve learned many people need someone to care.

I’ve learned people need a purpose and most feel like they have none.

I’ve learned to be the hands and feet of Jesus you get out of your comfort zone.

I’ve learned loving like Christ is and should be a sacrifice.

I’ve learned homelessness does not discriminate.

Kellie K Kreutz

Josh’s Story
Josh’s mom is grateful that Crossroads is willing to take in difficult people.

What’s a mother to do when her son is making poor choices, hanging out with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, getting into Lord knows what kind of trouble, and staying our all night?


That’s exactly what Diane did when her son, Josh, fell into that lifestyle.

“As I would lay down in my bed at night,” she says, ” I would often worry that Josh had no place to be.”

She prayed for his safety, and that he would land in a  safe place where he could get the help he needed.

That prayer was answered when Josh ended up at Crossroads Mission Avenue, where he was enrolled in a program to turn his life around. The program helps people address their addictions and the underlying issues behind them… and puts them on a path to future flourishing.

Josh was resistant and initially fought against it. But the Crossroads team didn’t give up on him!

“They were willing to take in difficult people, people that didn’t want to go along with their program,” says Diane. “But they were steadfast in their love.”

She appreciates that Crossroads not only addressed Josh’s physical and emotional needs, but got him engaged on a deeper spiritual level too.

“At Crossroads, Josh would pray with a staff member every morning” she says. “That was once again God’s answer to my prayers.”

Josh’s story is still unfolding, and Diane asks that you join her in praying for her son. There are many moms out there who are concerned about their adult children. Thanks to your support, Crossroads is reaching out to them in their moment of need.

Steve & Fancy’s Story
Crossroads has helped bring us closer to God during this difficult time in the world.

One moment, Steve and Fancy had two jobs, and life was humming along just fine for the young couple and their two boys, ages 3 and 5.

The next moment – because of COVID19 – Fancy was unemployed and Steve’s job was cut significantly, from 30 hours a week to 12.

“A lot of anxiety,” says Fancy. ” A real setback,” adds Steve. “It’s really put us behind.”

But thanks to your support, Steve and Fancy and their kids had a place to turn to at  Crossroads Mission Avenue. They’ve  been staying in a family unit, waiting till the pandemic ends and, hopefully, life returns to some semblance of normal.

Until then, they’re grateful for the support they’ve received at Crossroads – food, shelter, medications, help with childcare, and spiritual and emotional support.

“When COVID19 happened, I was depressed and anxious because I was worried about money, that we wouldn’t be able to save for our own place,” says Fancy. “But then, if COVID19 didn’t happen, we wouldn’t be blessed the way we’ve been.”

“I believe everything happens for a reason, and we are where we are for a reason. I try to see the light in every situation, and that’s where Crossroads has really helped. They’ve helped me get closer to God.”

Steve ultimately got his old job back, working full-time on the overnight shift, along with a little more money than he had before. He and Fancy are hopeful that they’l be able to move into their own home soon. Until then, they’re counting their blessings.

“I’m so thankful for Crossroads,” says Steve. “They’ve been an incredible support, spiritually and emotionally.”

Thanks to the support of friends like you, Steve and Fancy were able to find light in a dark situation due to COVID19. Thank you!

Skyler’s Story
Most shelters aren’t like this one. Most people don’t care like these people care.

My name is Skyler and I was kicked out of my house when I was 16.

For a few years, I lived with friends. My friend’s dad asked me if i wanted to do some meth. That’s when I started using hard drugs. By the time I was 20, I was living on the street, staying high to escape the misery.

I was walking down the road with my guitar one day, when Jerry Bumgardner stopped and asked me if I could play guitar. I said yes, and he told me I needed to come to Crossroads Mission Avenue. I had been to several other shelters, but I never stayed long because they were dangerous. But Jerry was genuine. You can tell when somebody really cares, and he did. I could tell from the way he talked and the emotion he put into his handshake.

At first it was scary, but I could tell that the staff here wanted good things for me. This place is honestly unique. Most shelters aren’t like this one. Most people don’t care like these people care. If I didn’t have them believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself, I would  be back out there, high, probably dead. Instead, I’ve been clean for three months, and I don’t have any urges to go out and use.

Right now, I’m working for Crossroads doing maintenance, and going to night school to complete my GED. I want to pursue social work and work with at-risk youth.

To the good people  who are helping financially to keep Crossroads’ doors open, thank you. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have this opportunity. This place is becoming my heart, my soul. It’s everything to me, and I’m so grateful.

Melody’s Story
When she lost her job and her home in early 2020, she came to Crossroads for help.

Chronic pain — both physical and emotional — left Melody seeking relief. She found it in a bottle . . . for four decades.

When she lost her job and her home in early 2020, she came to Crossroads for help. She arrived in mid-March, just before the pandemic changed everything. Our guests were quarantined and were not allowed to leave the premises. For Melody, that was a blessing in disguise.

“There are a couple of gas stations nearby,” she says. “Without quarantine, I would’ve gone over there to buy a drink. But as the days kept clicking by, I realized that I like being sober. So you could say COVID saved my life.” And Crossroads too. “I came here a very broken person,” Melody says. Multiple auto accidents had left her with debilitating neck and back pain. And alcohol had wrecked much of the rest of her body.

She initially resisted the faith-based parts of the Mission’s ministry, but God’s love eventually broke through. “And then I surrendered my life to Him.”

As a volunteer, Melody is now a leader in our Hastings kitchen, and she hopes to land a similar paid position with the Mission soon.

“It’s been an amazing journey,” she says.

Thank you for making such journeys possible for our hurting neighbors.

Jeff’s Story
“I can honestly say that Crossroads probably saved my life.”

A year before checking into the Mission, Jeff had just come home from serving in the military. He felt his life was on track. Then things took a sudden turn as Jeff spent more and more time with friends who were using drugs. He became addicted and blew through his savings.

His father tried to help him by getting him a job working for a family friend out of state, away from his friends. But his addiction ruined this new opportunity, too. He lost his job and was arrested for drug possession.

“I had to make one of the worst phone calls of my life,” Jeff says. “I had to call my dad and tell him I was in jail.” He knew he needed to make a change. “I asked Jesus for forgiveness of my sin, and asked Him to be my Lord and Savior,” Jeff says.

After serving his sentence, Jeff returned home and, at his father’s request, began treatment at the Mission. “I couldn’t have been in a better place,” Jeff says. “I can honestly say that Crossroads probably saved my life.”