4-Phase Program

We offer a 4-phase program that will equip program participants for successful living after their time at Crossroads

Phase 1

Personal Resilience Program
  • Attend Life Skills Classes
  • Do two hours of community service work daily
  • Weekly evaluation with the Case Manager
  • Attend AA, NA or Celebrate Recovery meetings (if applicable)
  • Attend counseling (if applicable)
  • Begin outpatient treatment (if applicable)
  • Pass Phase 1 weekly evaluations

Phase 2

Employment Phase
  • Begin job search
  • Work with employment agencies to find a job
  • Be employed with the same employer for 30 days
  • Begin paying off debt
  • Weekly evaluation with the Case Manager
  • Attend AA, NA or Celebrate Recovery meetings (if applicable)
  • Attend counseling (if applicable)
  • Attend outpatient treatment (if applicable)
  • Do two hours of community service work daily
  • Pass Phase 2 weekly evaluations

Phase 3

Employment & Finance Program
  • Maintain employment
  • Continue paying off debt
  • Begin saving $1,000
  • Attend AA, NA or Celebrate Recovery meetings (if applicable)
  • Attend counseling (if applicable)
  • Attend outpatient treatment (if applicable)
  • Pass Phase 3 weekly evaluations

Phase 4

  • Continue to save money
  • Attend leadership skills classes
  • Acquire leadership duty within the Crossroads Center
  • Live your life as an example for others in the program
  • Pass Phase 4 monthly evaluations
Sky & Kelsi’s Story
Kelsi says if it weren’t for Crossroads, she’d no longer have a brother!
Sky was ruining his life, his health and his relationships with his drinking. His sister, Kelsi, had seen it all as a probation officer and knew a little something about caring for a person without enabling their bad habits. “I did the hard love thing, “she says. “Not giving him money, not letting him stay at my place … I totally thought I would be burying him.” Sky’s drinking had resulted in five arrests, contributed to the loss of his marriage, and ultimately led to homelessness. Coming to Crossroads Mission Avenue, Sky was able to quit drinking … and soon was in a leadership position, helping men on probation and parole to get back on their feet. The brother and sister care for each other very much – Sky says if it weren’t for Kelsi, he’d have no relationship with his family. Kelsi says if it weren’t for Crossroads, she wouldn’t have a brother anymore. “I believe they saved my brother’s life,” she says.

Our Campuses

Lexington – Coming in 2024!

Crossroads Mission Avenue’s Lexington campus will begin construction in 2025 to include an emergency shelter and transitional housing at 907 W 8th St!